Goods and services are purchased in the following ways:

Informal Solicitation (Under $30,000)

Price quotations for goods and services valued at less than $30,000 are solicited by park district staff by mail, telephone, email or fax without public advertisement.

Formal Contract ($30,000 and Above)

Purchases with a value equal to or greater than $30,000 must be through a formal bid process. Bid invitations will be posted in the Skokie Review and on the park district website prior to the bid deadline. Purchases with a value equal to or greater than $30,000 may also be obtained by competitive negotiation after public advertisement (a Request for Proposal, or RFP). This means that any financially responsible company may submit a bid or proposal for one of these contracts.

Terms and Conditions

The Skokie Park District buys from any technically and financially responsible business entity, and practices equal opportunity/affirmative action in all areas of the marketplace.


All bidders/proposers must provide all requested information in the bid/proposal documents, including complete price quotations. All information provided must be typed or written in black ink. All bid/proposal documents must be signed and notarized in the appropriate places. All indicated documents must have original signatures. Photocopied signatures will result in the disqualification of the entire bid/proposal package.


Certain specifications may require the bidder/proposer to submit a bid deposit along with the bid/proposal submission. This is typically 5 to 10 percent of the estimated value of the contract. After the contract award, construction and landscaping contracts also may require a performance bond.

Competency of Vendors

No bid/proposal will be accepted from or contract awarded to any person, firm or corporation that is in arrears or is in default upon any debt contract. The vendors, if requested, must present evidence of ability and possession of necessary facilities, and financial resources to comply with the terms of the attached specifications and bid/proposal.

Prevailing Wage Act

All projects are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. Contracts entered into for all work at the Skokie Park District will be in compliance with the Act and proposals should be prepared accordingly and provide payment for all laborers, workmen and mechanics needed to perform the work at no less than the prevailing rate of wages for each craft, type of worker or mechanic. 

Bid Openings

All bids are opened and read publicly on the date indicated in the specifications document. Bids received after the hour and date indicated for the opening will not be considered. The public is invited to attend all bid openings. The opening location will be given in the bid’s specification document.

Proposal (RFP) Openings

Request for Proposals (RFP) are opened and read at the time and date designated on the RFP in the specifications document. RFP’s received after the hour and date indicated for the opening will not be considered. The public is invited to attend all RFP openings. The opening location will be given in the RFP’s specification document.

Special Classification Vendor List

Special classification vendors per Public Act 102-265, Section 18-50.2
