Family riding bicycles

The Skokie Park District offers many opportunities to walk, run and bike! Many of the district’s parks have perimeter walking paths, the Weber Leisure Center offers an indoor track, and the Emily Oak Nature Center has a beautiful .45 mile path through its grounds. In addition, the district features seasonal walking classes and hikes, and other local entities provide walking and bike paths around the area, including the two mile Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, located on McCormick Boulevard. 

Walking Trails

Central Park (.44 miles)
Channelside Park (.5 miles)
Devonshire Park (.51 miles)
Emerson Park (.25 miles)
Emily Oaks (.45 miles)
Gross Point Park (.28 miles)
Laramie Park (.54 miles)
Lawler Park (.36 miles)
Lorel Park (.33 miles)
Lyon Park (.35 miles)
Oakton Park (.33 miles)
Peccia Park (.21 miles)
Terminal Park (.21 miles)
Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park (2 miles)
Skokie Valley Trail & Exercise Station (1.9 miles)
Weber Leisure Center Indoor Track (11 laps per mile)

Bike Routes

Skokie Historic Bicycle Tour — Map & Narrative
Skokie Bike Paths
North Branch Trail System — Devon to Golf
North Branch Trail System — Golf to Lake Cook
